16 Mar A Guide to Post Winter Asphalt Maintenance
3 Post Winter Asphalt Maintenance Tips
Spring is the perfect time of year to revitalize your asphalt. Following the harsh winter weather, your asphalt can be left cracked, filled with potholes, or simply appear dull and unattractive. No matter the issue, following this post-winter asphalt maintenance guide will help bring your asphalt back to its prime.
1. Crack Filling
During the winter season, water, ice, and salt can contribute to unsightly cracks forming in your asphalt. These cracks can leave your asphalt looking unsightly and may cause larger issues in the future. If you’re not looking to repave your entire driveway, there are several ways to fill the cracks in your asphalt with crack filler.
2. Pothole Repair
Not only are potholes extremely unattractive, but they can also cause significant damage to your vehicles. During the winter, potholes are most likely to form on roadways due to the expansion and contraction of water that has made its way under the pavement. When that water freezes, it expands and causes these harmful holes to appear. Pothole repairs should be one of your first post-winter asphalt repairs once the spring season hits.
3. Repave Your Asphalt
Asphalt does have a lifespan, and it’s crucial to take action when it reaches its final days. If your area’s winter weather caused severe damage to your asphalt or you feel like it’s time for something new, Fischer Contracting is here to help! We offer complete removal and re-installation of existing asphalt driveways and are here to work with you during the installation process.
How to Prevent Asphalt Water Erosion in the Future
Understanding how to properly maintain and care for your asphalt before the winter season can help prevent damage and ensure its longevity. Without regular maintenance, you will find yourself with consistent problems. Here are three tips to help avoid asphalt erosion in the future:
Avoid Water Seeping into Cracks & Holes
As mentioned above, water is the number one cause of asphalt damage. Therefore, keeping water off your driveway as much as possible is essential to maintaining your asphalt. Water often seeps through cracks or holes, so it’s critical to seal and patch these entryways to prevent further damage.
Add Borders Surrounding Your Asphalt
If your asphalt surface is surrounded by grass, it may be in your best interest to border your asphalt. By doing this, you can avoid water seeping under your pavement and causing erosion. After heavy rain or snow, any water that will flow from the lawn will be blocked by the border and directed elsewhere.
Add Drainage
Your asphalt will inevitably come into contact with water. If you find that your asphalt placement is in a particularly susceptible area, adding a drainage system to properly discard excess water can be a great way to avoid further damage.
If you’re looking to maintain your residential or commercial asphalt surfaces, don’t hesitate to reach out to the professionals at Fischer Contracting. We have over 45 years of experience in paving and milling asphalt. Contact us today to get started!